BHRT - Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Most patients would inquire about testosterone (for male and female) and estrogen and progesterone (females only). In many cases we would also recommend other hormones as well, such as thyroid etc, based on the individual needs of patients.
If you are interested in BHRT, please come to CH Medical for a free consultation. We will then obtain blood tests, as indicated in your particular case, and after evaluating the tests we will prescribe hormonal treatment, tailored to your individual needs.
We do not offer Human Growth Hormone therapy at this time.
When we provide hormone therapy we take in consideration the “hormone hierarchy” concept. On the top of this hormone hierarchy are your adrenals, thyroid, and sugar or insulin levels. Thyroid, sugar (insulin), and adrenal problems are fairly widespread and have an impact on all hormones in your body. Next we evaluate the function of your intestines – the gut, which is where the female sex hormones are detoxified. Estrogen dominance can occur if the gut is not healthy. After addressing the above we then evaluate hormones like progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, etc. We prescribe hormones only after a complete evaluation of the individual patient, considering that If the thyroid, sugar levels, insulin, pancreas, adrenals, or gut are not functioning well then a feed-forward cycle can develop where patients feel great for one to two years before deteriorating rapidly for a long term. Beginning hormone treatment before thoroughly evaluating and addressing the rest of the issues can actually hurt patients in the long run.